About Susan Day Consulting
Practical solutions for urban trees and soils
I am an independent consultant and university professor with over 30 years of experience working with urban trees and soils based in Richmond, Virginia. Soils are the foundation of our urban forests and I have spent my career developing solutions for pervasive challenges such as soil compaction and root-infrastructure conflicts. These challenges, if left unsolved, can doom even the most expensive projects to failure. As a consultant and in my university career in research and education I have worked with cities, individuals, and organizations in both the U.S. and Canada.
I am on the faculty at Virginia Tech and the University of British Columbia and my research has focused on trying to solve complex sustainability problems faced by urban foresters, landscape architects, urban planners, arborists, and developers. Soils and soil-root interactions are fundamental to tree health and longevity, but land development, utility installation, and road design create many challenges that require creative solutions to provide and protect healthy below-ground systems for trees.
My research led to the development of the Soil Profile Rebuilding specification, a practical solution for remediating compacted soils. The specifications are open access and free for use. I have also worked with LID installations and a variety of engineered soils. In addition, I worked on the Sustainable Sites Initiative technical committee for soils, setting standards for sustainability in urban soil management. I am a Registered Consulting Arborist and a SITES Accredited Professional. For more information about my research publications, please visit my Google Scholar page. For more information about me, please visit my LinkedIn page.
Yale University, B.A. Philosophy
Cornell University, M.S. Urban Horticulture
Virginia Tech, Ph.D. Forestry
SITES Accredited Professional
Registered Consulting Arborist # 841